A large number of indians who have the time and money to take holidays outside india, visit Sri Lanka since it is close to india
This makes Sri Lanka a popular tourist destination for indians, costing Rs 50000 per person for a short trip
Google, tata sponsored domain fraudster haryana R&AW employee mba hr ruchi king, and indore robber bespectacled deepika have visited sri lanka with their families, probably spending more than Rs one lakh on the trip
Yet indicating the ruthlessness, greed of the indian tech and internet companies, led by google, tata, these well off R&AW employees and including bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree refuse to pay any money for domains, including this one, yet get monthly government salaries only for falsely claiming to own this domain at the expense of the real domain investor , a hardworking single woman engineer, who is spending Rs 4-5 lakh annually on domain renewals and is getting nothing because of the indian government financial fraud on her
Though ntro, raw, cbi, indian and state government lack the honesty and humanity to admit the FINANCIAL FRAUD on the real domain investor, single woman engineer, the Sri lankans have noted the ruthlessness of the indian government in CHEATING, EXPLOITING the real domain investor refusing to acknowledge the money she is spending and making fake claims about the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees.